Monday, December 3, 2012

Home - Dining

Can you believe its only RM5 each? Well every quarter end...there's a sale in this company called Miyao Toki in Kulim. The sale is for 3 days usually and lots of crowd. Most people buy in bulk...i guess its for their business or they gonna resell it for higher price else where. The items are mostly in white like the ones in hotels. Really nice and cheap.

First Day hunt: Bowls, sugar container, milk pour, soup bowl, cup set

Second Day hunt: Oval bowl for mom, new plate set for me and sis, another milk pour and etc

Saw this green plate set...nice but no matching cup/mug set

The pic below proofs that i really make use of the items that i bought. Hubby appreciated that i really make use of all the items and it is indeed not a waste! 

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